Automatic windproof pocket umbrella ORIANA, navy blue


24 h
19 pcs
3-7 days
487 pcs

Automatic windproof pocket umbrella ORIANA with sheath in matching colour: 3-section metal shaft, with metal/plastic/fibreglass ribs, rubber-coated handle and carrying loop in matching colour, polyester canopy and sheath with honeycomb structure, snap fastener Automatic windproof pocket umbrella ORIANA with sheath in matching colour: 3-section metal shaft, with metal/plastic/fibreglass ribs, rubber-coated handle and carrying loop in matching colour, polyester canopy and sheath with honeycomb structure, snap fastener
Net price: 14,88
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Weight 0.44 kg
Dimentions fi=101 cm
Material Metal / Fibreglass / Polyester
Colors granatowy
S3 Print technique in which paint is gently pushed through silk or material net called screen. Difficulty level S3
TR1 The image we want to print is being printed on special transfer paper and the image is transferred od the object using heat press. This technique can be used for a variety of materials, such as clothes, bags, umbrellas, beachballs. Difficulty level TR1
TR2 The image we want to print is being printed on special transfer paper and the image is transferred od the object using heat press. This technique can be used for a variety of materials, such as clothes, bags, umbrellas, beachballs. Difficulty level TR2
TR 200 Termotransfer - obraz, który chcemy przenieść drukujemy sitodrukiem na specjalnym papierze transferowym i następnie przy użyciu prasy termicznej, przenosimy na żądaną powierzchnię – tkaniny, torby, parasole piłki plażowe czy koszulki. Wielkość do 200cm2.
Technique: Screen printing 2
Position: Domyślna
Dimentions: 230/170x140 mm
Technique: Thermotransfer 1
Dimentions: 230/170x140 mm
Dimentions: 80x80 mm