Ring toss game, Crazy Loop - AVAILABLE AT SPECIAL PRICE!


24 h
11 pcs
3-7 days
420 pcs

<p style="color:#F7941D; font-weight:300;">Please contact our sales representative to order this product in promotional price.<br /><span style="font-size: 13px;">(+48) 664 924 716 /&nbsp;</span><a href="mailto:[email protected]" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(247, 148, 29); text-decoration: underline;">[email protected]</a>.</p><p style="color:#F7941D; font-weight:300;"><span style="font-weight:700;">Shipping costs for the goods purchased in discounted prices are set individually.</span><br />Promotion is valid from 26th April 2017 to 23th June 2017.</p><p style="color:#F7941D;">&nbsp;</p><p style="font-weight:300;">Ring toss game CRAZY LOOP made of wood, in frog design, incl. 4 toss rings with wooden marks in different colours</p> <p style="color:#F7941D; font-weight:300;">Please contact our sales representative to order this product in promotional price.<br /><span style="font-size: 13px;">(+48) 664 924 716 /&nbsp;</span><a href="mailto:[email protected]" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(247, 148, 29); text-decoration: underline;">[email protected]</a>.</p><p style="color:#F7941D; font-weight:300;"><span style="font-weight:700;">Shipping costs for the goods purchased in discounted prices are set individually.</span><br />Promotion is valid from 26th April 2017 to 23th June 2017.</p><p style="color:#F7941D;">&nbsp;</p><p style="font-weight:300;">Ring toss game CRAZY LOOP made of wood, in frog design, incl. 4 toss rings with wooden marks in different colours</p>
Net price: 8,12
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Weight 0.27 kg
Dimentions fi=12 x 14,4 cm
Material Wood
LC 1 Grawerowanie laserowe polega na usunięciu wierzchniej warstwy materiału (wypaleniu jej laserem). Technika stosowana do zdobienia metalu, drewna, czasem szkła i ceramiki. Laser pozostawia wgłębienie w powierzchni wyczuwalne pod palcem. Materiał: drewno, guma, pianka, szkło, tworzywa sztuczne. Wielkość do 50cm2.
Technique: Laser engraving 1
Position: Domyślna
Dimentions: 80x20 mm
Technique: Pad printing 2
Dimentions: 70x20 mm
Dimentions: 63x18 mm
Technique: Laser engraving 1
Dimentions: do 12cm2x mm
Dimentions: do 12cm?x mm
Dimentions: 70x18 mm
Dimentions: 70x20 mm
Dimentions: 80x20 mm