Bamboo X double speaker


24 h
3 pcs
3-7 days
1405 pcs

Natural sound from a natural speaker. This sustainable speaker combines an amazing sound experience with a stylish design made out of durable and responsible materials. The casing is made out of durable bamboo and fabric made out of a blend of 30% Organic cotton, Hemp 40% and 30% recycled PET. The 10W speaker uses high quality components to guarantee you a long lasting usage of the item. The 2.200 mAh battery will play up to 6 hours on one single charge. It uses BT 4.2 for a super smooth connection and has an operating distance up to 10 metres. Registered design® Natural sound from a natural speaker. This sustainable speaker combines an amazing sound experience with a stylish design made out of durable and responsible materials. The casing is made out of durable bamboo and fabric made out of a blend of 30% Organic cotton, Hemp 40% and 30% recycled PET. The 10W speaker uses high quality components to guarantee you a long lasting usage of the item. The 2.200 mAh battery will play up to 6 hours on one single charge. It uses BT 4.2 for a super smooth connection and has an operating distance up to 10 metres. Registered design®
Net price: 54,60
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Weight Array kg
Dimentions 18,5 x 8,5 x 5,5 cm
Material bambus, poliester
Colors czarny
P2 Pad printing is a process that can transfer a 2-D image onto a 3-D object. Difficulty level 2.
P3 Pad printing is a process that can transfer a 2-D image onto a 3-D object. Difficulty level 3.
LC 1 Grawerowanie laserowe polega na usunięciu wierzchniej warstwy materiału (wypaleniu jej laserem). Technika stosowana do zdobienia metalu, drewna, czasem szkła i ceramiki. Laser pozostawia wgłębienie w powierzchni wyczuwalne pod palcem. Materiał: drewno, guma, pianka, szkło, tworzywa sztuczne. Wielkość do 50cm2.
LC 2 Grawerowanie laserowe polega na usunięciu wierzchniej warstwy materiału (wypaleniu jej laserem). Technika stosowana do zdobienia metalu, drewna, czasem szkła i ceramiki. Laser pozostawia wgłębienie w powierzchni wyczuwalne pod palcem. Materiał: drewno, guma, pianka, szkło, tworzywa sztuczne. Wielkość do 50cm2.